
Saturday, 21 June 2014

Feminism and why we need it

There isn't going to be a post about cool fashion trends or makeup today. I have a really serious topic I need to discuss. A topic I feel very close to my heart and get really fired up when ever I talk about it.


People hear that word and automatically assume that anyone who says they're a feminist is a man hating lesbian. It's not true. Feminists are people, men or women, who want equal rights for everyone. They don't think women are better than men. Us feminists want to be on the same level as men. We want to be paid the same for the same exact job that men get paid for. We want to be treated with the same respect as men. If a woman abuses a guy, in any way, society should react the same way as if it was a guy hitting a girl. Women can hurt others too. We aren't fragile little porcelain dolls. There needs to be gender equality.

Lately there has been a bunch of shootings in the USA. The one that gets me the most is the shooter from the recent California shooting. He went out with the intention to kill people because he didn't get any attention from women. He never went up to women, he didn't make any attempt to talk to women, but he still blamed the female race for not giving him attention. He blamed girls who didn't know who he was for why he was so angry at the world. In his mind, women deserved to be killed because they didn't give him the time of day. This guy has been called a hero by some men in the USA. He is not a hero. He was a sick boy who needed help.

I have a great quote from Tupac that helps me get my point across, that feminism is needed. "And since we all came from a woman, got our name from a woman and our game from a woman, I wonder why we take from our women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think it’s time to kill for our women, time to heal our women, be real to our women. And if we don’t we’ll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, that make the babies. And since a man can’t make one he has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one. So will the real men get up. I know you’re fed up ladies, but keep your head up”

- Tupac Shakur

This brings me to my next point. We are taught to not be raped, instead of do not rape. We are blamed for walking down the street and a guy not being able to control his sexual urges. It's out fault this happened. This is even the culture that is being introduced into schools all over the world. Girls are being given strict dress codes, for example: no leggings, no sleeveless tops, and a limit on how short skirts and shorts can be. Boys don't get te same treatment when it comes to what they wear. Girls are being told that they need to cover every inch of skin so they for arouse boys. That boys can't control any urge they may have over seeing a shoulder or the fact that a girl wearing leggings actually has an ass. 

Another point I have to get across is the words slut, butch and friend zone. Slut is attacking a woman's right to say yes. Friend zone is attacking a woman's right to say no and bitch is attacking them for their right to call you out on it. Slut shaming should not be a thing. Good on the girl who wants to have srx every night. That's her right. Just like it's a girl's right to say no to a guy she isn't interested in.

Don't even get me started on how women are treated in the media. Men are treated like people while women are just sexual objects. Take a press interview for The Avengers. Robert Downey Jr. gets a really great philosophical question about he approached playing iron man, while Scarlett johansson gets asked about her diet to fit into the Black Widow costume. This happens again in another interview where RDJ gets a really thoughtful question and then ScarJo is asked if she could wear underwear under her costume. This is not right.

Why is being compared to a woman an insult? Like 'you throw/punch/hit like a girl'. Why is it a sign of weakness to be compared to a girl? Women are strong. We push mini humans out of our vagina. We bleed constantly for a weak every month. Boys are down for the count when kicked in the balls, but as Betty White says, vaginas can take a pounding. Punching like a girl should be a synonym for being strong, not weak.  

I've got some statistics if you don't believe there is a fight for women. 

If that doesn't convince you then I don't know what will. Yes there are women that hate men and abuse men, but as men's activists say, not all (wo)men. This is 2014 guys. Get your fucking shit together.

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